Thu 20.04.2023
19h30 La Seine Musicale
Petite Seine
10 €
Robert Schumann
Bilder aus Osten
Johannes Brahms
Variations sur un thème de Schumann, op. 9
Danses hongroises – sélection
Manuel Vieillard, David Salmon
piano, Geister duo
À propos
For their second concert this season, pianists Manuel Vieillard and David Salmon choose to honour German music. They will perform Schumann’s four hand cycle Bilder aus Osten (“Pictures from the East”), written in 1848 and inspired by the poems of the Middle-Ages arab author Al-Hariri. They will also perform an enticing selection of Johannes Brahms’ famous Hungarian dances.
Photo © Lyodoh Kaneko
Ce concert est produit par le Département des Hauts-de-Seine et Insula orchestra.